
Opened in 1978, The Hornby Island Recycling Depot has been recycling for over 40 years. We recycle and reuse more than 70% of our waste stream.


Depot Hours

9am – 1pm

Winter: Friday – Sunday

July & August: Thursday  –  Sunday

Free Store Hours

10am – 12pm

Winter: Friday – Sunday

July & August: Thursday  –  Sunday

Drywall Regulations

All builders, contractors and home-owners should be aware that there are new regulations regarding waste drywall. Specifically, the Comox Valley Regional District now requires a “Waste Disposal Application” for any drywall brought to the Recycling Depot. This short application form is necessary to ensure that the drywall does not contain any carcinogenic asbestos. Some older drywall may contain asbestos, which needs to be disposed of in a safe manner.

Please call ahead when planning deposit drywall and ensure that our drywall bin is on the island. As well please ensure that you have your waste disposal application filled out “before” you arrive at the recycling depot.

Please download and fill in this form for ANY drywall brought to the Depot for disposal.

Find out about recycling flexible plastic packaging.

Solar Panel Demonstration Project

HIRRA was pleased to collaborate with the Hornby Island Community Economic Enhancement Corporation (HICEEC) in 2016 to apply for and receive a grant from the Comox Valley Regional District’s Community Works Funding (Gas Tax) for a demonstration grid-tied solar panel project.

A total of 35 solar panels were installed on the Free Store’s south-facing roof by GabEnergy a non-profit group based on Gabriola Island. The Recycling Committee also organized some educational presentations on solar installation. An educational sign, painted by an island artist, was installed at the Free Store so visitors can learn more about the project and see how the panels are performing on a weekly basis.

More information can be found on our dedicted solar panel demonstration project page. If you’re curious to see how our panels are performing check them out on the Enphase Energy Tracking Website.